Suggested ingredients
Composed by soaplady, 13 Feb 2011, 4:03 pm
sicilian bite crunchy coffee dough aromatic coffeeshop cunchy italian fruity
Jonas, 13 Feb 2011, 5:27 pm
I wouldnt use fresh coriander in a biscotti - but we may be discovering something unexpected, here ;)
Please try again deleting the ingredient. If it doesn't work you can:
a) post a bug report in the forum:
b) send a mail to and ask us to take care of it.
Best wishes, Jonas
soaplady, 13 Feb 2011, 4:06 pm
hmm!its not supposed to have coriander (fresh)in it but you can try it if you like!for some reason the edit wouldn't work on this.
Jonas, 14 Feb 2011, 10:11 am
I removed 'coriander' from the composition manually. I couldn't find out how it became 'undeletable' for you.
If you find a moment to describe that bug - that would be cool:
Stefan (interaction designer/ programmer) will then take care of it. Thanx.